Testimony :: Alien Abduction in the UK

My aim for the series of books on alien abduction has been to take the study of alien abduction and give it a more UK & Europe based focus. UFOlogy & alien abduction research has been a very US-centric affair and I think that not only is there a lot of data being missed by such a focus, but I wanted to show the phenomena from a UK & European standpoint.

Testimony Volume 1 focuses on alien abduction cases from the UK. I have been lucky to have worked with a large number of abductees in the UK and I have focused on 5 fascinating cases based mainly in the UK. It also eases the reader into the alien abduction phenomena, it’s history and the subtle nuances of the phenomena.

Testimony Volume 2 looks at the London based abductee support group which I observed for 12 months. By talking to the group I got a sense that by pieceing all of their encounters together, plus the messages the experiencers received during their encounters, we could get an idea of the motivations behind the abductors.

Testimony Volume 3 looks at the abduction phenomena for a European perspective.

All three books form an in-depth study of the alien abduction phenomena as it stands today.

The first volume has just cleared the proof-readers and I’m now looking at cover design. So hopefully, the first volume will be released very soon.

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