Testimony :: Available Now!

I am so happy to announce that my book Testimony: Alien Abduction in the UK is now available on Amazon. My focus was to look at the alien abduction phenomena from a UK point of view, as often the phenomena was presented in such as US-centric light despite acknowledging the global nature of the phenomena. […]

The Dangers of Ontological Shock: A Deep Dive into Alien Abduction

Introduction In the vast expanse of human experience, few phenomena elicit as much fascination and fear as alien abduction. This intense curiosity is often intertwined with a profound existential crisis known as ontological shock. Ontological shock refers to the psychological and existential upheaval experienced when an individual encounters phenomena that challenge their fundamental beliefs about […]


It’s a question I keep getting asked a lot; What do I think of the Allies of Humanity material? Not having read all the books, and only having read the handy wiki on the subject, there is only one real issue for me. The issue is that this material is channelled. I have zero issue […]